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The life with relief and the dream.
We create a dream and the future so that a smile and the
happiness of all of you continue all the time.
With a smile to overflow
For the bright future,
We continue running.
I suggest the most suitable plan to the needs of the times.

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As the partner who can help all of you.
We Toyo will always contribute to an area and the society as a found good partner facing each all of you. I send timely information to be able to help all of you including "the thing about duties" and "information to want to know" from this home page.
TOYO Co.,Ltd.
128-1 Mukaida Iwasaki-cho, Nisshin-shi, Aichi
TEL. +81-561-73-3331
FAX. +81-561-74-1268
1.Production sale of the exact processing machine
2.Production sale of the exclusive tool
3.Trust processing of the inside diameter finish product
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